Foreign Trade Data
TradeGenius Global is one of the leading providers of import-export data to more than 50 countries in the world. We classify our data in export/import data, code classification, news, smart search and market research tool which actually allows you to know where your product is. We work to please our customers and hence you can say that our way of working is very customer-centric. We have specialization in offering data which is exclusively engineered for importers and exporters. As an importer or exporter you need to be cautious about your business and hence we provide you with the best import/export data to suit your needs. We make sure that our clients reach the new levels and find the benefits of the international business.


Year Month Date Exporter Tax Code No. Exporter Name Exporter Name (Original) Oversea Importer Name Importer Address HS_Code Product Discription Product Discription (Original) Unit Quantity Original Unit Price Unit_Price_USD Total_Value_USD Exchange rate Currency code Delivery term Payment term Country_of_Origin Import Country Customs Branch Export Type Loading Port Discharging Places Declaration Number
2016 2 01/02/2016 00:00 3700306630 Cong ty TNHH  UNI - PRESIDENT  Viet Nam Công ty TNHH  UNI - PRESIDENT  Việt Nam KGM SHRINE EXIM PRIVATE LIMITED DOOR NO:1-119-B, BUDDAM VILLAGE, KARLAPALEM MANDAL-522111, GUNTUR DISTRICT, ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA., IN 23099090 SP279 Feed for shrimp # I802 SP279# Thức ăn cho tôm I802 Ton                             30.00                           876.20                           876.20                      26,286.00                      22,215.00 USD CIF DP Viet Nam India Chi cuc HQ KCN Song Than Oridnary Export of products for export production CANG CAT LAI (HCM) CHENNAI (EX MADRAS) 300708815760
2016 2 01/02/2016 00:00 3700306630 Cong ty TNHH  UNI - PRESIDENT  Viet Nam Công ty TNHH  UNI - PRESIDENT  Việt Nam KGM SHRINE EXIM PRIVATE LIMITED DOOR NO:1-119-B, BUDDAM VILLAGE, KARLAPALEM MANDAL-522111, GUNTUR DISTRICT, ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA., IN 23099090 SP280 Feed for shrimp # I803 SP280# Thức ăn cho tôm I803 Ton                             60.00                           851.20                           851.20                      51,072.00                      22,215.00 USD CIF DP Viet Nam India Chi cuc HQ KCN Song Than Oridnary Export of products for export production CANG CAT LAI (HCM) CHENNAI (EX MADRAS) 300708815760
2016 2 01/02/2016 00:00 3700306630 Cong ty TNHH  UNI - PRESIDENT  Viet Nam Công ty TNHH  UNI - PRESIDENT  Việt Nam KGM SHRINE EXIM PRIVATE LIMITED DOOR NO:1-119-B, BUDDAM VILLAGE, KARLAPALEM MANDAL-522111, GUNTUR DISTRICT, ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA., IN 23099090 SP145 Feed for shrimp # I804 SP145# Thức ăn cho tôm I804 Ton                             20.00                           851.20                           851.20                      17,024.00                      22,215.00 USD CIF DP Viet Nam India Chi cuc HQ KCN Song Than Oridnary Export of products for export production CANG CAT LAI (HCM) CHENNAI (EX MADRAS) 300708815760

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