Trade Genius Global provide AIR FRESHNER import data in India with details like importers in India Exporter from oversees countries like USA, China, Germany France, Indonesia, Turkey, Thailand, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Ukraine, Bangladesh, Nepal, Vietnam and Singapore etc with price details including Import duty.

Content of data record are as Bill of Entry Data, H.S Code, Product Description, Value, Quantity, Unit Price in INR & USD , CIF Value, Custom Duty, Foreign Country port and more.

Import/Export records for the product AIR FRESHNER:

SB Date HS Code Product Quantity Unit Value in USD Unit in USD Foreign Port Foreign Country Indian Port Mode
11-04-2016 95059090 AIR FRESHNER ORDINERY U/B - 72 DOZ 86.75 1.2 CHINA KOLKATA SEA
11-07-2016 39264049 3 PCS TOILET AIR FRESHNER SET (UNBRANDED) - 288 DOZ 350.91 1.22 CHINA BOMBAY SEA
11-07-2016 39264049 AIR FRESHNER (UNBRANDED) - 168 DOZ 40.94 0.24 CHINA BOMBAY SEA
11-07-2016 87089900 MINI CAR AIR FRESHNER (UNBRANDED,CHINA) - 946 DOZ 1709.71 1.81 CHINA BOMBAY SEA
11-07-2016 33079090 CAR AIR FRESHNER HANKING TYPE - (CHINA) 12 PCS 24.37 2.03 CHINA COCHIN SEA
11-07-2016 33079090 CAR AIR FRESHNER HANKING - (CHINA) 100 PCS 81.23 0.81 CHINA COCHIN SEA
11-07-2016 33079090 DONPI NO MAGIC AIR FRESHNER - (CHINA) 480 PCS 48.74 0.1 CHINA COCHIN SEA
11-07-2016 33079090 DONPI AIR FRESHNER - (CHINA) 54 PCS 13.71 0.25 CHINA COCHIN SEA
11-07-2016 33079090 DONPI NO AIR FRESHNER HANKING - (CHINA) 650 PCS 85.8 0.13 CHINA COCHIN SEA
11-07-2016 96162000 MINI CAR AIR FRESHNER - 800 DOZ 722.92 0.9 CHINA TUGHLAKABAD ICD
11-02-2016 39235010 SPRAY THRU CAP FOR ODONIL ROOM AIR FRESHNER, (1222150818/AC01-2C731)(MADE OF PLASTIC)(CAPTIVE CONSUMPTION)(N.W.1954.65 K 232400 PCS 8055.07 0.03 CHINA JNPT SEA

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